Photography and image-making technology is reaching out in many new directions at once and at speed. Digital cameras no longer just provide easier ways to make traditional photos. Chris and Ade investigate emerging and future tech that will help us all make new and exciting photographs and images. Cameras, devices, software, hardware - we aim to cover all angles in the pursuit of The Future of Photography.

022 Mythbusting Videotography

04 . 04 . 2018


Ade Stock
Photographer, Podcaster, Entrepreneur
Chris Marquardt
Photographer, Author, Podcaster, Traveler, Educator

Ade Stock

Photographer, Podcaster, Entrepreneur

Chris Marquardt

Photographer, Author, Podcaster, Traveler, Educator


People have been talking for years about extracting photos from video. Most people don't see it as currently viable because photo and video require very different camera settings and video footage is far less detailed than stills photos - until recently. Mythbuster Ade coined the term Videotography and got to work. Photos extracted from Ade's New York video, Chris' adventures on a ship in the arctic, Tips from the Top Floor 739: The Bumblebee Principle

firtz - Ein Podcast Publisher

firtz 2.0

Einfach und schnell podcasten mit firtz. Entwickelt von Christian Bednarek um als Podcast Publisher die Welt zu erobern.

Firtz-Designs: QuorX II

Das QuorX-Design wurde von Michael Kaufmann (aka Michael McCouman Jr.) entwickelt.

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